Educational Workshop
This event has passed but you can view the video recording shown on this page.
The Struggle is Real: Preparing Your Church for Mental Health Ministry
FREE Workshop
Join us in-person or via Zoom for this timely and vitally important FREE workshop focused on setting up mental health ministries in your community.
The battle is real, there is a mental health crisis in our world, even among people of faith. And whether you’re a first responder, member of the clergy or a stay at-home mom, being able to recognize the signs and how to care for those struggling with their mental health can help save lives. You are invited to this FREE, introductory class about the School of Mental Health Coaching, presented by the American Association of Christian Counselors!
Featured Programs:
– Dare 2 Care | Global Church and Mental Health Initiative
– Mental Health Coaching | First Responder Training
This workshop has already occurred though you are welcome to view the video recording of the event below.
What is a Mental Health Coach?
Mental health coaching is a form of strengths-based support for persons living with serious mental illness (e.g., bipolar disorder). Coaches help clients develop a healthy balance in life, give guidance in decision making, offer support in navigating mental health difficulties, and assistance in establishing a recovery plan. Coaches help clients find ways to obtain and maintain stability, manage difficult symptoms, rebuild relationships, and find a purpose for living. Coaches also help clients find resources for professional care and treatment, family support, and education.
If you would like to take advantage of the drastically discounted Mental Health Coaching Program, scan this Q.R. Code
Phil Smith, Director of Church Partnerships and Mental Health Coaching Program, AACC

During this hour-long event, Phil Smith will provide an overview on two online training programs from the AACC (American Association of Christian Counselors) focused on local outreach to assist with the cascading problem of mental health care needs in our communities.

Learn to help those who struggle with serious mental illness:
- Addiction
- Trauma and Abuse
- Communication
- Grief and Loss
- Boundaries
- Panic Disorders
- Phobias
- Relationships
- Suicide
- Crisis Intervention
- Depression
- Stress and Anxiety
And learn when it’s best to refer someone to a professional counselor.
Thursday | November 10th, 2022 | 7:00 – 8:00 PM
Two Ways to Participate:
- You can join us in-person at the Pioneer Valley Church of Christ in Chicopee, MA (85 Montcalm Avenue) | light refreshments will be served
- You can join from anywhere in the world via Zoom | a link will be sent to you after registration
This full one hour program will also be recorded and made available for FREE viewing after the event from the CrossPoint Clinical Services website.
Note: while “The Struggle is Real” program is completely FREE, you must register to attend. See the link below for details.
Direct questions to CrossPoint Executive Director, Rondey Allen at: